Trusted data assessment partners.
All data rich projects carry inherent risks of accidental or targeted data breaches. To ensure your regulatory compliance and that the correct controls around of data security, access restrictions, and data minimisation are in place you need to undertake a thorough risk assessment. This should include your experimental design, your data, and your IT environments. Our expert approach provides a combined assessment of your entire data ecosystem, as we consider your environments, and data – both as independent variables and within the context of your entire datasets – and anything it may be combined with publicly in the event of a breach.
Expert Determination of your data
Our team can generate independent Expert Determination reports to help you understand your organisation’s obligations and set minimum conditions and standards on the use of your data from partners, collaborators, vendors, and customers. We can also action this policy and de-identify your data with our Data Minimisation Services. Our minimisation approach helps reduce the risk of accidental data loss in high volume projects due to human error.
As experts in data processing, analytics, and complex ML/AI analysis, our team can weigh both the privacy impact of your study and the importance of the data points. We recognise the importance of balancing data utility and disclosure risk, which is why our reports can also suggest the appropriate level of IT controls and architecture to ensure your project’s compliance with best practice. If you lack the existing or in-house infrastructure you can talk to our team about our Managed Services or Hybrid Workspaces. We can also help you increase your operational and digital security via our Consultancy and IT Services.
How we can support you
We can offer our disclosure services both as a stand-alone service or as an on-going consultancy. Simple projects can often by turned around with a draft report being provided within a matter of weeks subject to the complexity of your data and overall requirements.
We can provide reports for Opinion, Risk Categorisation, Data Security and Risk Assessments of existing processes which can be used during the application phase of projects or when seeking internal approvals.