Glasgow, Scotland

Analytics & Bioinformatics Outsourcing

We can help you get the most from your data.

Whether you need help with a new bespoke analysis or are just looking for a partner to help scale up your existing workflows, our experienced team can help. Our Analytics Outsourcing services can provide new insights quickly. From data capture and preparation, through data exploration by summarisation and visualisation, to standard analysis workflows and advanced machine learning approaches: we will help you get to the answer from your hard earned data.

We can support your team with the design of your projects to ensure statistical power and when combined with our Data Cleaning and Disclosure Control services ensure you are maximising the usable data for your analysis whilst still adhering to best practices. Our outsourced analytics services can allow you to make use of our cloud-based scalable infrastructure or for highly sensitive data we can bring our tools to your existing secure environments.

Why outsource your analytics?

If you’re looking to get your R&D project off the ground quickly and stick to a budget, there has never been a better time to consider outsourcing.

Demand for data scientists, bioinformaticians, and software developers continues to drive salaries upwards and recruiting qualified staff can often take around 6-12 months. Hiring the large multidisciplinary teams required to ensure good quality research is particularly difficult unless you have the budget and time to develop this as a core-competency.

If your project’s funding is for a fixed period, or precludes short-term or part-time posts, outsourcing your analytics or bioinformatics workloads is a smart way to handle staffing, capacity, and budgetary pressures without compromising on quality.

What types of bioinformatics analysis can we support?

Our team has many years of experience as informatics support partners for groups in academia and industry, and our service portfolio can support bioinformatics projects in a range of different areas.

Managed IT Services

We can assist with design, implementation, and procurement of IT infrastructure. We can provided short and long term secure data storage and backup services as well as deploying managed bioinformatics infrastructure for your project.

Data Processing & Visualisation

We can support projects in the following areas:

  • RNA-seq & small RNA-seq
  • Single cell genomics
  • Variant analysis: germline or somatic
  • ChIP-seq
  • Metagenomics and metabarcoding

For these datatypes we can run the analyses and can generate popular data visualisations including scatter, line, boxplots, PCA, UpSet, heatmaps and network and map diagrams. Subject to your requirements we can generate additional visualisations or can explore any other advanced informatics requirements you may have such as machine learning or bespoke data processing or visualisation analysis.

For well defined projects we can often provide quotes on a fixed price basis or we can provide long-term support using a pay-as-you go consultancy model. For more information or for a quote, please reach out and discuss with our team.